Save Time, Avoid Errors, and Make More Money: How Proofreading Software Can Have a Big Impact for Solo and Small Firm Practices
31 May, 2019
Solo and small firm lawyers represent individuals and businesses, providing access to justice for clients whose needs would otherwise go unmet. It is a worthy practice in a profession experiencing rapid changes that are eroding the financial stability that lawyers once enjoyed.
What can solo and small firm practitioners do to respond to billing pressures, challenging deadlines, rising overhead costs, and the commodification of the practice of law? As with large firms, technology can help; however, for solos and small firms, the right technology will look different.

Save Time, Avoid Errors, and Make More Money: How Proofreading Software Can Have a Big Impact for Solo and Small Firm Practices is a new white paper by Ivy B. Grey. It shows that proofreading is a problem that extends to issues of profitability and reputation; and it addresses myths that keep many attorneys from experiencing the benefits that proofreading tools offer. The white paper looks at currently available software and real-world law practices to show the impact that improving a single process like proofreading can have on profits and the practice as a whole.
The white paper is free to download. Click below to get your copy now.
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